Since there's nothing I love better on a Sunday than a religious OT

On January 2, 2010 8:51:25 PM -0500 Tim Cook <> wrote:
On Saturday, January 2, 2010, Bob Friesenhahn
<> wrote:
Hardly any Apple users are complaining about the advanced filesytem they
have already.

That's a joke right?  Hfs+ is nothing remotely close to an advanced

True, but neither are most all existing filesystems, including NTFS.
Yet folks *do* get along just fine.  Let's not forget, "most" people
can barely compose an email.  Even on this list you run into the
occasional buffoon (sometimes it's me).

Apple users not complaining is more proof of them having
not only drunk the koolaid but also bathed in it than them knowing any
lImtations of what they have today.  This coming from someone with a
MacBook pro sitting in the other room.

I am a lifelong Apple fan and it is amazing to me that there really is
an RDF around Steve Jobs.  Apple is definitely worse than Microsoft
when it comes to propriety and lock-in (or should i say lock-out).
They just don't have the market share to be a monopoly.

Ahhh, so the truth comes out. Another apple zealot. They to this day
cant touch outlook/exchange or SQL or AD, or anything remotely
resembling enterprise management of wokstations. Win7 is an incredible
release as is 2k8R2. Other than that though, ya, not moving.

You're at risk of being an anti-Apple zealot though.  Yup, Apple products
sure suck balls for the enterprise (and their raid array is laughable),
but at least the OS has unix underpinnings and all the good stuff that
brings with it.  Win7 is great, but only in comparison to XP and Vista.
The security of Windows is a disaster, and well behind what is easily
achievable today.  The apps are great though!

AD is extremely impressive.  It is easier to push a technology when
you control it 100% (as opposed to kerberos on the unix side) but even
taking that into account, it's quite the state of the art.  But the
underlying platform it runs on is still years behind in many ways.

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