(Joerg Schilling) writes:

> The netapps patents contain claims on ideas that I invented for my Diploma 
> thesis work between 1989 and 1991, so the netapps patents only describe prior
> art. The new ideas introduced with "wofs" include the ideas on how to use COW
> for filesystems and on how to find the most recent "superblock" on a COW 
> filesystem. The ieas for the latter method have been developed while 
> discussing the "wofs" structure with Casten Bormann at TU-Berlin.

Would you perhaps be willing to share the text? Sounds quite
interesting, especially to compare it with ZFS and with Netapp's
introduction to WAFL that I read a while ago.

(And I know that discussions with Carsten Bormann can
result in remarkable results -- not that I would want to disregard
your own part in these ideas. :-)

Regards, Juergen.

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