Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> Why are people talking about "RAID-5", RAID-6", and
> "RAID-10" on this 
> list?  This is the zfs-discuss list and zfs does not
> do "RAID-5", 
> "RAID-6", or "RAID-10".
> Applying classic RAID terms to zfs is just plain
> wrong and misleading 
> since zfs does not directly implement these classic
> RAID approaches 
> even though it re-uses some of the algorithms for
> data recovery. 
> Details do matter.
That's not entirely true, is it?
* RAIDZ is RAID5 + checksum + COW
* RAIDZ2 is RAID6 + checksum + COW
* A stack of mirror vdevs is RAID10 + checksum + COW

While there isn't an actual one-to-one mapping, many traditional RAID concepts 
do seem to apply to ZFS discussions, don't they?

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