
The tool to report storage usage per share is du -h / df -h :) , so yes,
these tools could be deduplication aware.
I know for instance that microsoft has a feature (in Win2003 R2), called
File Server Resource Manager, and inside theres the possibility to make
Storage Reports, and one of those reports is Duplicated Files.
Bottom line, if ZFS can deliver such a capability, i think that
Solaris/OpenSolaris would gain yet another competitive edge over other
solutions, therefore more customers could see more and more advantages
by choosing ZFS based storage.


Andrey Kuzmin wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 2:47 PM, Bruno Sousa <bso...@epinfante.com> wrote:
>> Hi Andrey,
>> For instance, i talked about deduplication to my manager and he was
>> happy because less data = less storage, and therefore less costs .
>> However, now the IT group of my company needs to provide to management
>> board, a report of duplicated data found per share, and in our case one
>> share means one specific company department/division.
>> Bottom line, the mindset is something like :
>>    * one share equals to a specific department within the company
>>    * the department demands a X value of data storage
>>    * the data storage costs Y
>>    * making a report of the amount of data consumed by a department,
>>      before and after deduplication, means that data storage costs can
>>      be seen per department
> Do you currently have tools that report storage usage per share? What
> you ask for looks like a request to make these deduplication-aware.
>>    * if theres a cost reduction due to the usage of deduplication, part
>>      of that money can be used for business , either IT related
>>      subjects or general business
>>    * management board wants to see numbers related to costs, and not
>>      things like "the racio of deduplication in SAN01 is 3x", because
>>      for management this is "geek talk"
> Just divide storage costs by deduplication factor (>1), and here you
> are (provided you can do it by department).
> Regards,
> Andrey
>> I hope i was somehow clear, but i can try to explain better if needed.
>> Thanks,
>> Bruno
>> Andrey Kuzmin wrote:
>>> On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 2:26 PM, Bruno Sousa <bso...@epinfante.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> Is there any way to generate some report related to the de-duplication
>>>> feature of ZFS within a zpool/zfs pool?
>>>> I mean, its nice to have the dedup ratio, but it think it would be also
>>>> good to have a report where we could see what directories/files have
>>>> been found as repeated and therefore they "suffered" deduplication.
>>> Nice to have at first glance, but could you detail on any specific
>>> use-case you see?
>>> Regards,
>>> Andrey
>>>> Thanks for your time,
>>>> Bruno
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