>I posted a little while back about a problem we are having where when a
>new directory gets created over NFS on a Solaris NFS server from a Linux
>NFS client, the new directory group ownership is that of the primary group
>of the process, even if the parent directory has the sgid bit set and is
>owned by a different group.
>Basically, a Solaris client in such an instance explicitly requests that
>the new directory be owned by the group of the parent directory, and the
>server follows that request. A Linux NFS client, on the other hand, does
>not explicitly request any particular group ownership for the new
>directory, leaving the server to decide that on its own, which in the case
>of the Solaris server, is not the "right" group.
Do you have the complete NFS trace output?  My reading of the source code 
says that the file will be created with the proper gid so I am actually 
believing that the client "over corrects" the attributes after creating 
the file/directory.


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