On 10/14/09 14:26, Jason Frank wrote:
Thank you, that did the trick.  That's not terribly obvious from the
man page though.  The man page says it detaches the devices from a
mirror, and I had a raidz2.  Since I'm messing with production data, I
decided I wasn't going to chance it when I was reading the man page.
You might consider changing the man page, and explaining a little more
what it means, maybe even what the circumstances look like where you
might use it.

This is covered in the "Hot Spares" section of the manpage:

     An in-progress spare replacement can be cancelled by detach-
     ing  the  hot  spare.  If  the  original  faulted  device is
     detached, then the hot spare assumes its place in the confi-
     guration,  and  is removed from the spare list of all active

It is true that the description for "zpool detach" is overly brief and could be expanded to include this use case.

- Eric

Eric Schrock, Fishworks                    http://blogs.sun.com/eschrock
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