On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 10:54 PM, David Dyer-Bennet <d...@dd-b.net> wrote:
> On Wed, September 30, 2009 10:07, Robert Thurlow wrote:
>> David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
>>> And I haven't been able to make incremental replication send/receive
>>> work.
>>>  Supposed to be working on that, but now I'm having trouble getting a
>>> VirtualBox install that works

>> I've had good success practicing and debugging zfs stuff
>> by creating small pools based on files and tinkering with
>> those, e.g.

> That's where I started, and it's useful.  I left out a bit above -- I had
> proven to my satisfaction that incremental replication streams don't work
> in the software version on my server.  I'm trying to test current
> versions, before I commit to upgrading the pools and/or filesystems with
> the live data in them.

Are you using x86 or sparc? solaris or opensolaris?
If opensolaris on x86, you can use xvm (xen) to achieve the same
functionality as virtualbox.
If sparc T series, you can use LDOM.

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