On 09/28/09 01:22 PM, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:

That seems truly bizarre.  Virtualbox recommends 16GB, and after doing an
install there's about 12GB free.

There's no way Solaris will install in 4GB if I understand what
you are saying. Maybe fresh off a CD when it doesn't have to
download a copy first, but the reality is 16GB is not possible
unless you don't want ever to to an image update. What version
are you running? Have you ever  tried pkg image-update?

# uname -a
SunOS host8 5.11 snv_111b i86pc i386 i86pc Solaris
# df -h
Filesystem               Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rpool/ROOT/opensolaris-2  34G   13G   22G  37% /

# du -sh /var/pkg/download/
762M    /var/pkg/download/

this after deleting all old BEs and all snapshots but not emptying
/var/pkg/download; swap/boot are on different slices.

SPARC is similar; snv122 takes 11Gb after deleting old BEs, all
snapshots, *and* /var/pkg/downloads; *without* /opt, swap,
/var/crash, /var/dump, /var/tmp, /var/run and /export...

AFAIK It is absolutely impossible to do a pkg image-update (say)
from snv111b to snv122 without at least 9GB free (it says 8GB
in the documentation). If the baseline is 11GB, you need 20GB
for an install, and that leaves you zip to spare.

Obvious reasons include before and after snaps, download before
install, and total rollback capability. This is all going to cost
some space. I believe there is a CR about this, but IMO when
you can get 2TB of disk for $200 it's hard to complain. 32GB
of SSD is not unreasonable and 16GB simply won't hack it.

All the above is based on actual and sometimes painful experience.
You *really* don't want to run out of space during an update. You'll
almost certainly end up restoring your boot disk if you do and if
you don't, you'll never get back all the space. Been there, done

Cheers -- Frank

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