> Dennis Clarke <dcla...@blastwave.org> writes:
>> This will probably get me bombed with napalm but I often just
>> use star from Jörg Schilling because its dead easy :
>>   star -copy -p -acl -sparse -dump -C old_dir . new_dir
>> and you're done.[1]
>> So long as you have both the new and the old zfs/ufs/whatever[2]
>> filesystems mounted. It doesn't matter if they are static or not. If
>> anything changes on the filesystem then star will tell you about it.
> I'm not sure I see how that is easier.
> The command itself may be but it requires other moves not shown in
> your command.
> 1) zfs create z2/projects
> 2)  star -copy -p -acl -sparse -dump -C old_dir . new_dir
> As a bare minimum would be required.
> whereas
> zfs send z1/proje...@snap |zfs receive z2/proje...@snap
> Is all that is necessary using zfs send receive, and the new
> filesystem z2/projects is created and populated with data from
> z1/projects, not to mention a snapshot at z2/projects/.zfs/snapshot

sort of depends on what you want to get done and both work.


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