> Richard Elling <richard.ell...@gmail.com> writes:
>> You can only send/receive snapshots.  However, on the receiving end,
>> there will also be a dataset of the name you choose.  Since you didn't
>> share what commands you used, it is pretty impossible for us to
>> speculate what you might have tried.
> I thought I made it clear I had not used any commands but gave two
> detailed examples of different ways to attempt the move.
> I see now the main thing that confused me is that sending a
> z1/proje...@something
> to a new z2/proje...@something would also result in z2/projects being
> created.
> That part was not at all clear to me from the man page.

This will probably get me bombed with napalm but I often just
use star from Jörg Schilling because its dead easy :

  star -copy -p -acl -sparse -dump -C old_dir . new_dir

and you're done.[1]

So long as you have both the new and the old zfs/ufs/whatever[2]
filesystems mounted. It doesn't matter if they are static or not. If
anything changes on the filesystem then star will tell you about it.


[1] -p means preserve meta-properties of the files/dirs etc.
    -acl means what it says. Grabs ACL data also.
    -sparse means what it says. Handles files with holes in them.
    -dump means be super careful about everything ( read the manpage )

[2] star doesn't care if its zfs or ufs or a CDROM or a floppy.

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