On Fri, Jun 26 at  8:55, James C. McPherson wrote:
On Thu, 25 Jun 2009 15:43:17 -0700 (PDT)
Simon Breden <no-re...@opensolaris.org> wrote:

> I think the confusion is because the 1068 can do "hardware" RAID,
> it can and does write its own labels, as well as reserve space
> for replacements of disks with slightly different sizes. But
> that is only one mode of operation.

So, it sounds like if I use a 1068-based device, and I *don't* want
it to write labels to the drives to allow easy portability of
drives to a different controller, then I need to avoid the "RAID"
mode of the device and instead force it to use JBOD mode. Is this
easily selectable? I guess you just avoid the "Use RAID mode"
option in the controller's BIOS or something?

It's even simpler than that with the 1068 - just don't use raidctl
or the bios to create raid volumes and you'll have a bunch of plain
disks. No forcing required.

Exactly.  Worked as such out-of-the-box with no forcing of any kind
for me.


Eric D. Mudama

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