>>>>> "jr" == Jacob Ritorto <jacob.rito...@gmail.com> writes:

    jr>         I think this is the board that shipped in the original
    jr> T2000 machines before they began putting the sas/sata onboard:
    jr> LSISAS3080X-R

    jr> Can anyone verify this?

can't verify but FWIW i fucked it up:

    >>>> I thought the LSI 1068 do not work with SPARC (mfi driver,
    >>>> x86 only).

         ^^^^^ me.  this is wrong.

mega_sas, the open source driver for 1078/PERC, is x86-only.  

and mpt is the 1068 driver, proprietary, works on x86 and SPARC.

mfi is some other (abandoned?) random third-party open-source driver
for some of these cards that no one's mentioned using yet, at 

then there is also itmpt, the third-party-downloadable closed-source
driver from LSI Logic, dunno much about it but someone here used it.


There's also been talk of two tools, MegaCli and lsiutil, which are
both binary only and exist for both Linux and Solaris, and I think are
used only with the 1078 cards but maybe not.

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