Ben schrieb:
> Thomas, 
> Could you post an example of what you mean (ie commands in the order to use 
> them)?  I've not played with ZFS that much and I don't want to muck my system 
> up (I have data backed up, but am more concerned about getting myself in a 
> mess and having to reinstall, thus losing my configurations).
> Many thanks for both of your replies,
> Ben

I'm not an expert on this, and I haven't tried it, so beware:

1) If the pool you want to expand is not the root pool:

$ zpool export mypool
# now replace one of the disks with a new disk
$ zpool import mypool
# zpool status will show that mypool is in degraded state because of a
missing disk
$ zpool replace mypool replaceddisk
# now the pool will start resilvering

# Once it is done with resilvering:
$ zpool detach mypool <otherdisk>
#  now physically replace <otherdisk>
$ zpool replace mypool <otherdisk>

2) if you are working on the root pool, just skip export/import part and
boot with only one half of the mirror. Don't forget to run installgrub
after replacing a disk.

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