Grant Lowe wrote:
Hi All,
Don't know if this is worth reporting, as it's human error. Anyway, I had a
panic on my zfs box. Here's the error:
marksburg /usr2/glowe> grep panic /var/log/syslog
Apr 8 06:57:17 marksburg savecore: [ID 570001 auth.error] reboot after panic:
assertion failed: 0 == dmu_buf_hold_array(os, object, offset, size, FALSE, FTAG,
&numbufs, &dbp), file: ../../common/fs/zfs/dmu.c, line: 580
Apr 8 07:15:10 marksburg savecore: [ID 570001 auth.error] reboot after panic:
assertion failed: 0 == dmu_buf_hold_array(os, object, offset, size, FALSE, FTAG,
&numbufs, &dbp), file: ../../common/fs/zfs/dmu.c, line: 580
marksburg /usr2/glowe>
What we did to cause this is we pulled a LUN from zfs, and replaced it with a
new LUN. We then tried to shutdown the box, but it wouldn't go down. We had
to send a break to the box and reboot. This is an oracle sandbox, so we're not
really concerned. Ideas?
[this is a standard response]
Assertion failure are, by definition, bugs.
"In computer programming, an assertion is a predicate (i.e., a true–false
statement) placed in a program to indicate that the developer thinks that
the predicate is always true at that place."
If you continue to run the same software with the same inputs, then
it is reasonable to expect the same assertion failure. You may have
to apply a patch or otherwise change software versions to continue.
If you find an assertion failure in OpenSolaris, please file a bug at If the bug caused a core dump, please
have the dump available for the troubleshooting team.
-- richard
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