Mertol Ozyoney wrote:
Hi All ;
As you can read below I carry a Sun bath so my opinions could be a little
bit biased :) There are couple of reasons why you may consider a J series JBOD against some other whitebox unit.
1) Dual IO module option
You can probably buy 2 white box for 1 J series with disk....
2) Multipath support 3) Zone support [multi host connecting to same JBOD or same set of JBOD's connected in series. ]
Any docs on this feature?
4) Better testing with ZFS
One would really hope so, but thats never stopped sun before.
5) Very nice SPC2 results
Is is support by sun/solaris cluster yet?  Not seen that in any docs yet.

The only problem with the J series is that the disks are expensive.

Not sure what the magic firmware does, other than make them all look the same, or how it improves the mechanics.
But the whole point of zfs is that you can use inexpensive drives and 
with enough in RAID to make it reliable.
Best regards

Mertol Ozyoney Storage Practice - Sales Manager
Sun Microsystems, TR
Istanbul TR
Phone +902123352200
Mobile +905339310752
Fax +902123352222

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Richard Elling
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2009 10:24 PM
To: John-Paul Drawneek
Subject: Re: [zfs-discuss] j4200 drive carriers

John-Paul Drawneek wrote:
the J series is far to new to be hitting ebay yet.

Any alot of people will not be buying the J series for obvious reasons
The obvious reason is that Sun cannot service random disk
drives you buy from Fry's (or elsewhere). People who value data
tend to value service contracts for disk drives.
-- richard

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