> I've always felt squeamish when I had to move boxes with spinning  
> disks,
> or when I had to watch someone else do it.  Thanks for justifying my
> paranoia... and good luck with the replacement drives.

This reminds me of a story.  Many years ago a friend of mine had to move
some servers from one office to another.  There was a SPARCstation 2 running
SunOS4 that had an uptime of 3 or 4 years or so.  In order to not ruin the
uptime, he unplugged the UPS from the wall and hauled the SS2, UPS and some
external disk enclosures to his car and drove it to the new office listeing
the the UPS scream at him about no AC the whole time.

"Coding in C is like sending a 3 year old to do groceries. You gotta
tell them exactly what you want or you'll end up with a cupboard full of
pop tarts and pancake mix." -- IRC User (http://www.bash.org/?841435)
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