This is one of these "Doctor - it hurts when I ..." and the Doctor
says "then don't do that" stories.  Basically I installed a couple of
1Tb WD Black Caviar drives in a Sun x2200M2 1U server in a ZFS
mirrored boot config - excellent drives - much faster than previous
7,200 RPM drives and the dual controller config and 32Mb cache really
work and allow a lot more IOPS.  I am delighted with the
price/performance (around $120 ea at that time) compared with earlier
generations of SATA drives.  Highly recommended.

Then, as I've done many times in the past, I moved the box to get at
another system which was underneath the x2200 - with the system live
and disks spinning.  Did'nt even give it a 2nd thought; done this lots
of times previously without any issues.  A week later - "Bad Things"
(TM) started happening with the box - and yes, you've guessed it, one
of the terror byte drives was generating errors faster than the price
dial on your local gas pump.  A quick look at the logs revealed - that
yes, you've guessed it, the drive errors originated when the box was
moved.  A zpool scrub generated thousands of errors on the damaged
drive.  Now it's offline.  Al is sad. :(

Moral of the story - you could do this (move a box with live disks) in
the days of 300, 400 and 500Gb drives - but not any more with todays
high density terror byte drives.  And just FYI for those technocrats
that don't read disk drive specs - the WD 1Tb drive has 3 platters
(roughly 333Mb each); there is a 500 and 640Gb version of the same
drive family that uses 2 platters of the *same* magnetic data density
- so be very careful with those high density disk drives.

As I said - don't do this!

Just a heads up - it might just help someone else on the list who has
developed bad habits over the years......


Al Hopper  Logical Approach Inc,Plano,TX
                   Voice: 972.379.2133 Timezone: US CDT
OpenSolaris Governing Board (OGB) Member - Apr 2005 to Mar 2007
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