Yes, I agree, command interface is more efficient and more risky than GUI.
You will have to be very careful when doing that.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Al Tobey" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: [zfs-discuss] replace same sized disk fails with too small 

>I ran into a bad label causing this once.
> <br/><br/>
> Usually the s2 slice is a good bet for your whole disk device, but if it's 
> EFI labeled, you need to use p0 (somebody correct me if I'm wrong).
> <br/><br/>
> I like to zero the first few megs of a drive before doing any of this 
> stuff.   This will destroy any data.
> <br/><br/>
> Obviously, change "<span style="font-family: monospace;">c7t1d0p0</span>" 
> to whatever your drive's device is.
> <br/><br/>
> <span style="font-family: monospace;">dd if=/dev/zero 
> of=/dev/rdsk/c7t1d0p0 bs=512 count=8192</span>
> <br/><br/>
> For EFI you may also need to zero the end of the disk too because it 
> writes the VTOC to both the beginning and end for redundancy.   I'm not 
> sure of the best way to get the drive size in blocks without using 
> format(1M) so I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.    For my 
> 500gb disks it was something like:
> <br/><br/>
> 976533504 is $number_of_blocks (from format) - 8192 (4mb in 512 byte 
> blocks).
> <br/><br/>
> <span style="font-family: monospace;">dd if=/dev/zero 
> of=/dev/rdsk/c7t0d0p0 bs=512 count=8192 seek=976533504</span>
> <br/><br/>
> When you run format -> fdisk, it should prompt you to write a new Solaris 
> label to the disk.    Just accept all the defaults.
> <br/><br/>
> <span style="font-family: monospace;">format -d c7t1d0</span>
> <br/><br/>
> Remember to double-check your devices and wait a beat before pressing 
> enter with those dd commands as they destroy without warning or checking.
> -- 
> This message posted from
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