I'm sorry about the problems. We try to be responsive to fixing bugs and
implementing new features that people are requesting for ZFS.
It's not always possible to get it right. In this instance I don't think the
bug was reproducible, and perhaps that's why it hasn't received the attention
it deserves. As far as I know yours is the second reported instance.
It may be that the problem has been fixed and that's why
we haven't seen it in-house. However, that's just speculation, and
some serious investigation is needed.


On 01/13/09 06:39, Krzys wrote:
> To be honest I am quite surprised as this bug you referring to was submited 
> early in 2008 and last updated over the summer. Quite surprised that Sun did 
> not 
> come up with a fix for it so far. ZFS is certainly gaining some popularity at 
> my 
> workplace, and we were thinking of using it instead of veritas, but I am not 
> sure what to do with it now.. what if we have systems that we quite depend on 
> and we have similar issue? How could we solve it? is calling sun support 
> going 
> to help me in such case? This particular system is my playground and I do not 
> care about it to that extend but if I had other system that has much greater 
> importance and I get such situation its quite scary... :(
> On Mon, 12 Jan 2009, Neil Perrin wrote:
>> This is a known bug:
>> 6678070 Panic from vdev_mirror_map_alloc()
>> http://bugs.opensolaris.org/view_bug.do?bug_id=6678070
>> Neil.
>> On 01/12/09 21:12, Krzys wrote:
>>> any idea what could cause my system to panic? I get my system rebooted 
>>> daily at various times. very strange, but its pointing to zfs. I have U6 
>>> with all latest patches.
>>> Jan 12 05:47:12 chrysek unix: [ID 836849 kern.notice]
>>> Jan 12 05:47:12 chrysek ^Mpanic[cpu1]/thread=30002c8d4e0:
>>> Jan 12 05:47:12 chrysek unix: [ID 799565 kern.notice] BAD TRAP: type=28 
>>> rp=2a10285c790 addr=7b76a0a8 mmu_fsr=0
>>> Jan 12 05:47:12 chrysek unix: [ID 100000 kern.notice]
>>> Jan 12 05:47:12 chrysek unix: [ID 839527 kern.notice] zfs:
> ...
> ...
> ...
>>> 374706 pages dumped, compression ratio 3.50,
>>> Jan 12 05:48:51 chrysek genunix: [ID 851671 kern.notice] dump succeeded
>>> Jan 12 05:49:40 chrysek genunix: [ID 540533 kern.notice] ^MSunOS Release 
>>> 5.10 Version Generic_138888-02 64-bit
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