Le 4 janv. 09 à 21:09, milosz a écrit :

> thanks for your responses, guys...
> the nagle's tweak is the first thing i did, actually.
> not sure what the network limiting factors could be here... there's  
> no switch, jumbo frames are on... maybe it's the e1000g driver?   
> it's been wonky since 94 or so.  even during the write bursts i'm  
> only getting 60% of gigabit on average.

How about tcp window size (particularly tcp_recv_hiwat on the recv  
side) and whether or not some CPU is saturated  (particularly the  
interrupt cpu on recv side, check with mpstat 1).
There is also some magic incantation to allow bigger transfer size in  
iscsi (blaise should have the details).
Can you verify the single connection throughput using either of   


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