On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 17:12, Volker A. Brandt <v...@bb-c.de> wrote:
>> The Samsung HD103UJ drives are nice, if you're not using
>> NVidia controllers - there's a bug in either the drives or the
>> controllers that makes them drop drives fairly frequently.
> Do you happen to have more details about this problem?  Or some
> pointers?
We have 3 x2200m2 servers that we added pairs of these drives
(specifically, the HD753UJ variant: 750GB instead of 1TB) to.  We set
up small (40G or so, I forget; we didn't really need the space, but
buying smaller disks wasn't significantly cheaper) SVM mirrors on two
of these machines, and a small SVM mirror plus a large zpool on the
third.  Within two weeks, all three machines had dropped a disk in
some manner.  The behavior we saw goes like this: metastat reports
errors, output of 'format' changes for the dropped disk but still
shows the disk.  If the disk is moved to another machine (a different
chipset; i.e., with another controller) then it shows up fine, all
data intact, everything hunky-dory.  We didn't lose data, but we did
lose an SVM array and had to restore from backups.

We replaced the drives with 4 Maxtors and 2 Seagate ES2s.  None have
reported problems yet.  I don't know of any other solution, if you
don't want to add a controller.  It doesn't appear to be a problem
with the drives, or a problem with the chipset, but the combination of
drive+chipset causes wonkiness.  Google shows some users having
problems with this under XP, so it's probably not just a driver issue.
 This was what made me suspect the combination was a bad one, and
further testing shows that that's probably the case: the drives work
on other controllers, and other drives work on these controllers.

The drives themselves are still working fine; we moved them to a
SCSI->sata jbod with a non-nV controller and they're happy there.

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