On 19 December, 2008 - Nico Sabbi sent me these 0,8K bytes:

> On Friday 19 December 2008 03:32:01 Ian Collins wrote:
> > On Fri 19/12/08 14:52 , Shawn Joy shawn....@sun.com sent:
> > > I have read the ZFS best practice guide located at
> > > http://www.solarisinternals.com/wiki/index.php/ZFS_Best_Practices
> > >_Guide However I have questions whether we support using slices
> > > for data on the same disk as we use for ZFS boot.
> >
> > Why would you want to do this instead of giving ZFS the whole disk?
> >  Do you have compelling reasons to use UFS rather than ZFS
> > filesystems for data?
> I find ZFS's eager to monopolize the disk quite irritating: sometimes
> there OSs on the same disk.
> BTW, how much does ZFS slow down (on average) when using 
> slices instead of the whole disk? 

Nothing, but it speeds up if you give it the whole disk by enabling
write cache in the drives, as it knows when it's safe to have it on and

Tomas Ögren, st...@acc.umu.se, http://www.acc.umu.se/~stric/
|- Student at Computing Science, University of Umeå
`- Sysadmin at {cs,acc}.umu.se
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