On Friday 19 December 2008 03:32:01 Ian Collins wrote:
> On Fri 19/12/08 14:52 , Shawn Joy shawn....@sun.com sent:
> > I have read the ZFS best practice guide located at
> > http://www.solarisinternals.com/wiki/index.php/ZFS_Best_Practices
> >_Guide However I have questions whether we support using slices
> > for data on the same disk as we use for ZFS boot.
> Why would you want to do this instead of giving ZFS the whole disk?
>  Do you have compelling reasons to use UFS rather than ZFS
> filesystems for data?

I find ZFS's eager to monopolize the disk quite irritating: sometimes
there OSs on the same disk.
BTW, how much does ZFS slow down (on average) when using 
slices instead of the whole disk? 
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