I think my problem is actually different - I'm not using iSCSI at all.
 I will update if I find otherwise.

And yes, I do think there is support available for OpenSolaris now:


On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 9:32 AM, Tim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 7:49 AM, Jacob Ritorto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Update:  It would appear that the bug I was complaining about nearly a
>> year ago is still at play here:
>> http://opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?threadID=49372&tstart=0
>> Unfortunate Solution:  Ditch Solaris 10 and run Nevada.  The nice folks
>> in the OpenSolaris project fixed the problem a long time ago.
>>        This means that I can't have Sun support until Nevada becomes a
>> real product, but it's better than having a silent failure every time
>> 6GB crosses the wire.  My big question is why won't they fix it in
>> Solaris 10?  Sun's depriving themselves of my support revenue stream and
>> I'm stuck with an unsupportable box as my core filer.  Bad situation on
>> so many levels..  If it weren't for the stellar quality of the Nevada
>> builds (b91 uptime=132 days now with no problems), I'd not be sleeping
>> much at night..  Imagine my embarrassment had I taken the high road and
>> spent the $$$ for a Thumper for this purpose..
> Can't you just run opensolaris?  They've got support contracts for that, and
> the bug should be fixed in 2008.11.
> --Tim
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