Seems like core.vold.* are not being created until I try to boot from zfsBE, 
just creating zfsBE gets onlu core.cpio created.

[10:29:48] @adas: /var/crash > mdb core.cpio.5545
Loading modules: [ ]
> ::status
debugging core file of cpio (32-bit) from adas
file: /usr/bin/cpio
initial argv: /usr/bin/cpio -pPcdum /.alt.tmp.b-Prb.mnt
threading model: multi-threaded
status: process terminated by SIGBUS (Bus Error)
> $C
ffbfe5b0`_malloc_unlocked+0x164(30, 0, 39c28, ff, 2e2f2e2f, 0)
ffbfe610`malloc+0x4c(30, 1, e8070, 0, ff33e3c0, ff3485b8)
ffbfe670`cacl_get+0x138(ffbfe7c4, 2, 0, 35bc0, 0, 35f98)
ffbfe768`acl_get+0x14(37fe2, 2, 35bc0, 354c0, 1000, 1)
ffbfe7d0 0x183b4(1, 35800, 359e8, 346b0, 34874, 34870)
ffbfec30 main+0x28c(34708, 1, 35bc0, 166fc, 35800, 34400)
ffbfec90 _start+0x108(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
> $r
%g0 = 0x00000000                 %l0 = 0x00000000
%g1 = 0xff25638c`malloc+0x44 %l1 = 0x00039c28
%g2 = 0x00037fe0                 %l2 = 0x2e2f2e2f
%g3 = 0x00008000                 %l3 = 0x000003c8
%g4 = 0x00000000                 %l4 = 0x2e2f2e2f
%g5 = 0x00000000                 %l5 = 0x00000000
%g6 = 0x00000000                 %l6 = 0xffffdc00
%g7 = 0xff382a00                 %l7 = 0xff347344`Lfree
%o0 = 0x00000000                 %i0 = 0x00000030
%o1 = 0x00000000                 %i1 = 0x00000000
%o2 = 0x000e70c4                 %i2 = 0x00039c28
%o3 = 0x00000000                 %i3 = 0x000000ff
%o4 = 0xff33e3c0                 %i4 = 0x2e2f2e2f
%o5 = 0xff347344`Lfree %i5 = 0x00000000
%o6 = 0xffbfe5b0                 %i6 = 0xffbfe610
%o7 = 0xff2564a4`_malloc_unlocked+0xf4 %i7 = 0xff256394`malloc+0x4c

  %psr = 0xfe001002 impl=0xf ver=0xe icc=nzvc
                    ec=0 ef=4096 pil=0 s=0 ps=0 et=0 cwp=0x2
    %y = 0x00000000
   %pc = 0xff256514`_malloc_unlocked+0x164
  %npc = 0xff2564d8`_malloc_unlocked+0x128
   %sp = 0xffbfe5b0
   %fp = 0xffbfe610

  %wim = 0x00000000
  %tbr = 0x00000000

On Thu, 6 Nov 2008, Enda O'Connor wrote:

> Hi
> try and get the stack trace from the core
> ie mdb core.vold.24978
> ::status
> $C
> $r
> also run the same 3 mdb commands on the cpio core dump.
> also if you could extract some data from the truss log, ie a few hundred 
> lines before the first SIGBUS
> Enda
> On 11/06/08 01:25, Krzys wrote:
>> THis is so bizare, I am unable to pass this problem. I though I had not 
>> enough space on my hard drive (new one) so I replaced it with 72gb drive, 
>> but still getting that bus error. Originally when I restarted my server it 
>> did not want to boot, do I had to power it off and then back on and it then 
>> booted up. But constantly I am getting this "Bus Error - core dumped"
>> anyway in my /var/crash I see hundreds of core.void files and 3 core.cpio 
>> files. I would imagine core.cpio are the ones that are direct result of 
>> what I am probably eperiencing.
>> -rw-------   1 root     root     4126301 Nov  5 19:22 core.vold.24854
>> -rw-------   1 root     root     4126301 Nov  5 19:22 core.vold.24867
>> -rw-------   1 root     root     4126301 Nov  5 19:22 core.vold.24880
>> -rw-------   1 root     root     4126301 Nov  5 19:22 core.vold.24893
>> -rw-------   1 root     root     4126301 Nov  5 19:22 core.vold.24906
>> -rw-------   1 root     root     4126301 Nov  5 19:22 core.vold.24919
>> -rw-------   1 root     root     4126301 Nov  5 19:22 core.vold.24932
>> -rw-------   1 root     root     4126301 Nov  5 19:22 core.vold.24950
>> -rw-------   1 root     root     4126301 Nov  5 19:22 core.vold.24978
>> drwxr-xr-x   3 root     root       81408 Nov  5 20:06 .
>> -rw-------   1 root     root     31351099 Nov  5 20:06 core.cpio.6208
>> On Wed, 5 Nov 2008, Enda O'Connor wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> Looks ok, some mounts left over from pervious fail.
>>> In regards to swap and dump on zpool you can set them
>>> zfs set volsize=1G rootpool/dump
>>> zfs set volsize=1G rootpool/swap
>>> for instance, of course above are only an example of how to do it.
>>> or make the zvol doe rootpool/dump etc before lucreate, in which case it 
>>> will take the swap and dump size you have preset.
>>> But I think we need to see the coredump/truss at this point to get an idea 
>>> of where things went wrong.
>>> Enda
>>> On 11/05/08 15:38, Krzys wrote:
>>>> I did upgrade my U5 to U6 from DVD, went trough the upgrade process.
>>>> my file system is setup as follow:
>>>> [10:11:54] [EMAIL PROTECTED]: /root > df -h | egrep -v 
>>>> "platform|sharefs|objfs|mnttab|proc|ctfs|devices|fd|nsr"
>>>> Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
>>>> /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0       16G   7.2G   8.4G    47%    /
>>>> swap                   8.3G   1.5M   8.3G     1%    /etc/svc/volatile
>>>> /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s6       16G   8.7G   6.9G    56%    /usr
>>>> /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s1       16G   2.5G    13G    17%    /var
>>>> swap                   8.5G   229M   8.3G     3%    /tmp
>>>> swap                   8.3G    40K   8.3G     1%    /var/run
>>>> /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s7       78G   1.2G    76G     2%    /export/home
>>>> rootpool                33G    19K    21G     1%    /rootpool
>>>> rootpool/ROOT           33G    18K    21G     1%    /rootpool/ROOT
>>>> rootpool/ROOT/zfsBE     33G    31M    21G     1%    /.alt.tmp.b-UUb.mnt
>>>> /export/home            78G   1.2G    76G     2% 
>>>> /.alt.tmp.b-UUb.mnt/export/home
>>>> /rootpool               21G    19K    21G     1% 
>>>> /.alt.tmp.b-UUb.mnt/rootpool
>>>> /rootpool/ROOT          21G    18K    21G     1% 
>>>> /.alt.tmp.b-UUb.mnt/rootpool/ROOT
>>>> swap                   8.3G     0K   8.3G     0% 
>>>> /.alt.tmp.b-UUb.mnt/var/run
>>>> swap                   8.3G     0K   8.3G     0% 
>>>> /.alt.tmp.b-UUb.mnt/tmp
>>>> [10:12:00] [EMAIL PROTECTED]: /root >
>>>> so I have /, /usr, /var and /export/home on that primary disk. Original 
>>>> disk is 140gb, this new one is only 36gb, but disk utilization on that 
>>>> primary disk is much less utilized so easily should fit on it.
>>>> / 7.2GB
>>>> /usr 8.7GB
>>>> /var 2.5GB
>>>> /export/home 1.2GB
>>>> total space 19.6GB
>>>> I did notice that lucreate did alocate 8GB to SWAP and 4GB to DUMP
>>>> total space needed 31.6GB
>>>> seems like total available disk space on my disk should be 33.92GB
>>>> so its quite close as both numbers do approach. So to make sure I will 
>>>> change disk for 72gb and will try again. I do not beleive that I need to 
>>>> match my main disk size as 146gb as I am not using that much disk space 
>>>> on it. But let me try this and it might be why I am getting this 
>>>> problem...
>>>> On Wed, 5 Nov 2008, Enda O'Connor wrote:
>>>>> Hi Krzys
>>>>> Also some info on the actual system
>>>>> ie what was it upgraded to u6 from and how.
>>>>> and an idea of how the filesystems are laid out, ie is usr seperate from 
>>>>> / and so on ( maybe a df -k ). Don't appear to have any zones installed, 
>>>>> just to confirm.
>>>>> Enda
>>>>> On 11/05/08 14:07, Enda O'Connor wrote:
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> did you get a core dump?
>>>>>> would be nice to see the core file to get an idea of what dumped core,
>>>>>> might configure coreadm if not already done
>>>>>> run coreadm first, if the output looks like
>>>>>> # coreadm
>>>>>>      global core file pattern: /var/crash/core.%f.%p
>>>>>>      global core file content: default
>>>>>>        init core file pattern: core
>>>>>>        init core file content: default
>>>>>>             global core dumps: enabled
>>>>>>        per-process core dumps: enabled
>>>>>>       global setid core dumps: enabled
>>>>>>  per-process setid core dumps: disabled
>>>>>>      global core dump logging: enabled
>>>>>> then all should be good, and cores should appear in /var/crash
>>>>>> otherwise the following should configure coreadm:
>>>>>> coreadm -g /var/crash/core.%f.%p
>>>>>> coreadm -G all
>>>>>> coreadm -e global
>>>>>> coreadm -e per-process
>>>>>> coreadm -u to load the new settings without rebooting.
>>>>>> also might need to set the size of the core dump via
>>>>>> ulimit -c unlimited
>>>>>> check ulimit -a first.
>>>>>> then rerun test and check /var/crash for core dump.
>>>>>> If that fails a truss via say truss -fae -o /tmp/truss.out lucreate -c 
>>>>>> ufsBE -n zfsBE -p rootpool
>>>>>> might give an indication, look for SIGBUS in the truss log
>>>>>> NOTE, that you might want to reset the coreadm and ulimit for coredumps 
>>>>>> after this, in order to not risk filling the system with coredumps in 
>>>>>> the case of some utility coredumping in a loop say.
>>>>>> Enda
> -- 
> Enda O'Connor x19781  Software Product Engineering
> Patch System Test : Ireland : x19781/353-1-8199718
> !DSPAM:122,4912d10015286266247132!
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