Ah, there is a cognitive disconnect... more below.

Philip Brown wrote:
>> relling wrote:
>> This question makes no sense to me.  Perhaps you can
>> rephrase?
> To take a really obnoxious case:
> lets say I have a 1 gigabyte filesystem. It has 1.5 gigabytes of physical 
> disk allocated to it (so it is 66% full).
> It has 10x100meg files in it.
> "Something bad happens", and I need to do a restore. 
> The most recent zsend data, has all 10 files in it. 9 of them have not been 
> touched since the zsend was done.
> Now, since zfs has data integrity checks, yadda yadda yadda, it should be 
> able to determine relatively easily, "The file on the zfs send, is the exact 
> same file on disk". 
> So, when I do a zfs receive, it would be "really nice", if there were some 
> way for zfs to figure out, lets say, "recieve to a snapshot of the 
> filesystem; then take advantage of the fact that it is a snapshot, to NOT 
> write on disk, the 9 unaltered files that are in the snapshot; just allocate 
> for the altered one".
> it would be really nice for zfs to have the smarts to do this, WITHOUT having 
> to potentially throw a laaarge amount of extra hard disk space for snapshots. 
> I want the "snapshot" space to be allocated on TAPE, not hard disk, if you 
> see what I mean.
> If one 100meg file gets replace every 2 days, I wouldnt want to use snapshots 
> on the filesystem, if there was a disk space limitation.

The cognitive disconnect is that snapshots are blocks, not files.
Therefore, the snapshot may contain only changed portions of
files and blocks from a single file may be spread across many
different snapshots.  Perhaps you are really looking for a more
traditional, file-oriented backup capability.

> (I know there are solutions such as samfs for this, but. I'm looking for a 
> zfs solution, if possible, please?)

ADM is the samfs equivalent for ZFS.
 -- richard

> and help with the other parts of my original email, would still be 
> appreciated :)

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