On Thu, 23 Oct 2008, Peter Bridge wrote:

> thanks for all the feedback.  Some followup questions:
> If OS will see all 4 cores, will it also make use of all 4 cores for 
> ZFS. ie is ZFS fully multi threaded?

I am not sure about the ZFS compression code but from what I can see 
ZFS is multi-threaded like the rest of Solaris.  If it was not 
multi-threaded then it would suck, and lots of Sun hardware would not 
succeed in the market.

> We'll I'll do some more searching, maybe there is another quad core 
> board out there with 8 sata ports, 4GB ram support and passive 
> cooled north bridge :)

On modern hardware, ZFS is not normally CPU limited (unless you enable 
compression or exotic checksums).  There is not really a need for lots 
of CPU cores.  AMD Athelon/Opteron dual core likely matches or exceeds 
Intel quad core for ZFS use due to a less bottlenecked memory channel.

These should be your priorities for NAS:

  * 64 bit CPU
  * ECC memory support
  * Lots of memory (>4GB if possible)
  * Enough SATA/SAS ports to satisfy storage reqirements.

Bob Friesenhahn
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/

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