>>>>> "cg" == Constantin Gonzalez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    cg> if a tar xvf were writing locally to a ZFS file system, the
    cg> writes wouldn't be synchronous either, so there's no point in
    cg> forcing NFS users to having a better

It's worse for NFS because breaking the commit/lease/batch state
machine destroys the illusion of statelessness.  When you reboot the
server, you'll have to reboot all the clients to get them to behave
consistently again.

actually that is already my experince with NFSv4 diskless machines,
but way old versions of nevada I'm using are probably the culprit.

I thought NFSv2 -> NFSv3 was supposed to make this prestoserv, SSD,
battery-backed DRAM stuff not needed for good performance any more.  I
guess not though.

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