"James C. McPherson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Marcus Sundman wrote:
> > [...]
> blinder:jmcp $ for dev in `awk -F'"' '/sd/ {print
> $2}' /etc/path_to_inst`; do prtconf -v /devices/$dev|egrep -i
> "id1|dev.dsk.*s2" ; done
> [...]
> $ cfgadm -lav sata0
> [...]
> Having the physical serial number reported makes it much easier
> to match the physical drive with the logical - as long as you've
> got the lid off :-)

Nice, thx.

Not that it's going to do me much good now, since it won't let me make
volnames anymore at all. :-(

> > Yes, I used the cXtYdZ syntax with zpool create, but the drives
> > already had EFI labels. Did zpool re-label them anyway?
> I believe so.

It would've been nice if zpool had given a warning, since it's not
obvious that "zpool create" rewrites the EFI label (both old and newly
written ones). And even if it did rewrite the labels it still _should_
keep the old volnames.


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