"James C. McPherson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Marcus Sundman wrote:
> > I couldn't figure out which controller got which numbers so I had
> > to disconnect drives one by one
> I'm interested in what you did to figure out your drive
> locations - did you use cfgadm, fmtopo or sestopo to figure
> it out, or something closer to the hardware?

Disconnect one drive, boot, look which drive is missing, shutdown,
reconnect it and disconnect the next drive, boot, etc.

> What sort of hardware, btw?

A motherboard with 6 SATA ports (I think 4 is by the nvidia chipset and
2 by some other chip) and a sil3132-based PCI-E card with 2 SATA ports.
The disks are 1 TB WD GP ones.

> Oh, and if you gave the zpool create command the cXtYdZ
> name, then the labels will have been over-written with GPT
> (aka EFI) labels instead.

Yes, I used the cXtYdZ syntax with zpool create, but the drives already
had EFI labels. Did zpool re-label them anyway?

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