Matt Beebe wrote:

> But what happens to the secondary server?  Specifically to its bit-for-bit 
> copy of Drive #2... presumably it is still good, but ZFS will offline that 
> disk on the primary server, replicate the metadata, and when/if I "promote" 
> the seconday server, it will also be running in a degraded state (ie: 3 out 
> of 4 drives).  correct?


> In this scenario, my replication hasn't really bought me any increased 
> availablity... or am I missing something?  

No. You have an increase of availability when the entire primary node 
goes down, but you're not particularly safer when it comes to decreased 

> Also, if I do chose to fail over to the secondary, can I just to a scrub the 
> "broken" drive (which isn't really broken, but the zpool would be 
> inconsistent at some level with the other "online" drives) and get back to 
> "full speed" quickly? or will I always have to wait until one of the servers 
> resilvers itself (from scratch?), and re-replicates itself??

I have not tested this scenario, so I can't say anything about this.


Ralf Ramge
Senior Solaris Administrator, SCNA, SCSA

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