On Tue, 2 Sep 2008, Kenny wrote:
> I used your script (thanks) but I fail to see which controller 
> controls which disk... Your white paper shows six luns with the 
> active state first and then six with the active state second, 
> however mine all show active state first.
> Yes, I've verified that both controllers are up and CAM see them 
> both.  Mpathadm reports 4 paths to each lun.

This is very interesting.  You are saying that 'mpathadm list lu' 
produces 'Total Path Count: 4' and 'Operational Path Count: 4'?  Do 
you have four FC connections between the server and the array?

What text is output from 'mpathadm show lu' for one of the LUNs?

> Suggestions on where I might have messed up??

Perhaps not at all.  The approach used in my white paper is based on 
suppositions from my self since Sun has not offered any architectural 
documentation on the 2540 or the internal workings of MPxIO.

If you do have four FC connections it may be that MPxIO works 
differently and the trick I exploited is not valid.

Bob Friesenhahn
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
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