I apologize for in effect suggesting that which was previously suggested in an 
earlier thread:


And discovering that the feature to attempt worst case single bit recovery had 
already been present in some form in an earlier development version of zfs, but 
for some illogical reason claiming that it masked programming errors (which 
makes no
sense to me), and correspondingly recognized by other sun engineers that single 
bit errors
may in fact be injected by various elements of the system which may touch the 
beyond the drives themselves such as cpu's for example.

I don't know where it comes from but there seems to be a standing assumption 
that most
checksum errors are in fact multi-bit (some statistical testing should be able 
to determine
if this is the case or not); personally I suspect the opposite, as drives tend 
to do a fairly
good job of identifying uncorrectable data, therefore tend not to erroneously 
garbage as being good, and the remaining hardware in most systems will not tend 
generate sporadic multi-bit errors in greater frequency than single bit ones, 
logical to assume that most data corruption will originate as single bit 
errors, which
however if not detected and corrected may subsequently be utilized in 
yielding potentially substantially more catastrophic results (which likely 
to some percentage of wrong blocks being read/written, and subsequently mistaken
as a resulting multi-bit data block error).

Overall please reconsider re-incorporating this feature to be minimally enabled 
request if not default, as although worst case recovery of large block file 
data may
be resource intensive, it would only be invoked as a last resort, with the 
being a catastrophic loss of data which seems wholly unacceptable if in fact 
in place.
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