Bob wrote:
> ... Given the many hardware safeguards against single (and several) bit 
> errors,
> the most common data error will be large. For example, the disk drive may 
> return data from the wrong sector.

- actually data integrity check bits as may exist within memory systems and/or
  communication channels are rarely prorogated beyond their boundaries, thereby
  data is subject to corruption at every such interface traversal, including for
  example during the simple process of being read and re-written by the CPUs
  anywhere within the system that touches data, including within the disk drive
  itself. (unless a machine with error detecting/correcting memory is itself
  detecting uncorrectable 2-bit errors, which should kill the process being run,
  there's no real reason to suspect that 3 or more bit errors are sneeking 
  with any measurable frequency; although possible).

- personally I believe that errors such as erroneous sectors being written or 
  are themselves most likely due to single bit errors propagating into critical 
  like sector addresses calculations and thereby ultimately expressing 
themselves as
  large obvious errors, although actually caused by more subtle ones.  Shy 
  noisy hardware and/or literal hard failure, most errors will most likely 
always be
  expressed as 1 bit out of some very large N number of bits.
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