On Wed, Aug 06, 2008 at 10:19:45PM -0700, andrew wrote:
> > 
> > I also seem to also only have single MBR between the
> >  two disks in the mirror. is this normal?
> Not really normal, but at present manually creating a ZFS boot
> mirror in this way does not set the 2nd disk up correctly, as you've
> discovered. To write a new Solaris grub MBR to the second disk, do
> this:
> installgrub -m /boot/grub/stage1 /boot/grub/stage2 /dev/rdsk/c3d0s0
> The -m flag tells installgrub to put the grub stage1 into the MBR.

I had a similar situation.  Starting with a single disk containing the
root pool, I added a second disk and mirrored them manually into the
same zpool.  Then I created a second boot environment in the same pool
and did a live upgrade from build 94 to build 95.  That operation
seems to have written the GRUB stages onto both disks.  I can boot
either one to get the same GRUB menu and the same default Nevada
build.  I'm very impressed with how well ZFS and Live Upgrade work

-Gary Mills-    -Unix Support-    -U of M Academic Computing and Networking-
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