Did you do the extra required grub step between the 'pkg image-update' and 
rebooting? If I recall correctly, it needs to happen once between snv_86 (which 
I think is stock OS2008.05 and snv_89+
I think the grub step is documented at opensolaris.org in the downloads section 
where it talks about work on OS 2008.11, but I can't seem to load 
opensolaris.org right now to send a link. I believe there is also a workaround 
to get you back out of the situation you're in now, but I'm not sure. I've 
included the email with the procedure, but I think the solution to your current 
problem might be in the instructions on os.org..

Hope this helps.


> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Fri, 6 Jun 2008 22:46:31 -0700
> From: Alan Steinberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: [osol-announce] pkg.opensolaris.org repository update: snv_90
> The pkg.opensolaris.org repository has been updated to the snv_90 level.
> This update also includes snv_89 packages.
> prevent your system from rebooting.
> Please see the attached for instructions for updating from OpenSolaris
> 2008.05, as well as a list of changes incorporated into the snv_90 update.
> -- Alan Steinberg
> OpenSolaris Release Engineering
Instructions to update OpenSolaris 2008.05 to build 89 or later

The command "pkg image-update" can be used to update an OpenSolaris
2008.05 system to build 89 or later.  However due to changes in the
GRUB boot system, one must manually update the Master Boot Record (MBR)
to include these latest changes.

When "pkg image-update" completes successfully, it will print a message
of the form

        A clone of opensolaris exists and has been updated and
        activated. On next boot the Boot Environment opensolaris-1 will
        be mounted on '/'. Reboot when ready to switch to this updated

The name of the newly created clone can also be seen by looking for the
"Active on reboot" entry in the output of the "beadm list" command

        $ beadm list
        BE            Active Active on Mountpoint     Space
        Name                 reboot                   Used
        ----          ------ --------- ----------     -----
        opensolaris-1 no     yes       -              17.06M
        opensolaris   yes    no        -              33.92M

First, mount the clone under the /mnt directory

        $ pfexec mount -F zfs rpool/ROOT/opensolaris-1 /mnt

Next, update the GRUB configuration on your ZFS boot device(s) using

        $ pfexec /mnt/boot/solaris/bin/update_grub -R /mnt

When you're ready to boot into the updated boot environment, you can
reboot(1M) or init(1M) as usual.

Today at 10:18, Seymour Krebs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Machine is running x86 snv_94 after recent upgrade from opensolaris 2008.05.  
> ZFS and zpool reported no troubles except suggesting upgrade for from ver.10 
> to ver.11. seemed like a good idea at the time.  system up for several days 
> after that point then took down for some unrelated maintenance.
> now will not boot the opensol, drops to grub prompt, no menus.
> zfs was mirrored on two disks c6d0s0 and c7d0.  I never noted the GRUB 
> commands for booting  and not really familiar with the nomenclature.  at this 
> point I am hoping that a burn of SXCE snv_94 will give me access to the zfs 
> pools so I can try "update-grub" but at this point it will be about 9 hours 
> to download the .iso and I kinda need to work on data residing in that system
> any suggestions
> thanks,
> sgk
> This message posted from opensolaris.org
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Thomas Kris Kasner
Qualcomm Inc.
5775 Morehouse Drive
San Diego, CA 92121

        But rushing around seems what's wrong with the world
                Don't lose the dreams inside your head...
                                        -- Dave Matthews "You Never Know"
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