As long as I'm composing an email, I might as well mention that I had
forgotten to mention Swig as a dependency (d'oh!).  I now have a
mention of it on the page, and a spec file that can be built using
pkgtool.  If you tried this before and gave up because of a missing
package, please give it another shot.

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 10:35, Akhilesh Mritunjai
> I had a quick look. Looks great!

> A suggestion - From given example, I think API could be made more "pythonic". 
> Python is dynamically typed and properties can be dynamically looked up too. 
> Thus, instead of prop_get_* we can have -
> 1. prop() : generic function, returning "typed" arguments. The builtin zfs 
> properties would be returned with correct "type" and user properties would be 
> returned as generic string.
Definitely.  This was just a barebones "does it work" kind of thing.
I do plan to make it more python-styled than C-wrapper styled, but I
wanted to go for the "release early, release often" kind of thing.

> 2. Ability to just say "z.property_name" (eg. z.compression). This would be 
> trivial to implement syntactic sugar.
Sure.  This will just take a bunch of wrappers to get/set all the properties.

> Also, some work would be needed to provide "pythonic" iterators and other 
> idioms so that API does not feel like a python interface to C.
This I'm not so sure about.  I could do it, sure, but the only way I
can think of to do this would basically be this:
def iterable_filesystems(self):
    def fn(fs, data):
    list_of_fs = []
    self.iter_filesystems(fn, list_of_fs)
    return list_of_fs
Granted, perhaps this isn't pythonic as it stands, but especially in
cases with thousands of filesystems storing all those objects could
get (relatively) expensive.  I may have to look into the Python API
some more; perhaps there's a way to provide an iterable object without
shoving everything into Python space at once.

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