Jeff Bonwick wrote:
> Using ZFS to mirror two hardware RAID-5 LUNs is actually quite nice.
> Because the data is mirrored at the ZFS level, you get all the benefits
> of self-healing.  Moreover, you can survive a great variety of hardware
> failures: three or more disks can die (one in the first array, two or
> more in the second), failure of a cable, or failure of an entire array.
> Jeff
> On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 08:09:49AM -0700, zfsmonk wrote:
>> Mentioned on 
>> is 
>> the following:
>> "ZFS works well with storage based protected LUNs (RAID-5 or mirrored LUNs 
>> from intelligent storage arrays). However, ZFS cannot heal corrupted blocks 
>> that are detected by ZFS checksums."
>> based upon that, if we have LUNs already in RAID5 being served from 
>> intelligent storage arrays, is it any benefit to create the zpool in a 
>> mirror if zfs can't heal any corrupted blocks? Or would we just be wasting 
>> disk space? 
As Jeff mentioned, use two HW RAID-5 LUNs in a zpool for a mirror (or, 
even 3+ LUNs for a RAID-Z of RAID-5 :-)

The quote from the Best Practices Guide is applicable to single LUN 
zpools (and, applies to any single-vdev zpool).  Indeed, there are some 
nasty problems with using single-LUN zpools, so DON'T DO IT.   ZFS is 
happiest (and you will be too) when you allow some redundancy inside 
ZFS, and not just at the hardware level.


Erik Trimble
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