On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 02:19:05PM -0500, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> On Sat, 14 Jun 2008, Brian Wilson wrote:
> > What are the odds, in that configuration of zpool (no mirroring, 
> > just using the intelligent disk as concatenated luns in the zpool) 
> > that if we have this silent corruption, the whole zpool dies? If 
> > anyone knows, what's the comparative odds of the VxVM volume, UFS or 
> > VxFS filesystem similarly dying in the same scenario?
> I don't know the answer to that.  Probably nobody knows the answer 
> since there is no formal research project to analyze it and no 
> automatic collection agent to report the data.  You can scan the list 
> archives to find the zfs horror stories.  Most of the "whole pool 
> died" horror stories are not due to data loss on a properly maintained 
> RAID array.

ZFS uses ditto blocks for meta-data.  I think it would be really hard for
silent corruptions to render a ZFS volume (even on a single disk with no
RAID or mirroring) unless luck just wasn't on your side and both copies
of your meta-data got corrupted.  That being said, you can increase the
number of ditto copies that are made (I think 2 is the default for meta-data
and 1 is the default for data) and increase your chances of survival on a
single disk system.

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