Hello Mike,

Wednesday, June 25, 2008, 2:09:31 PM, you wrote:

MG> dump should scale with memory size, but the size given is completely
MG> overkill.  On very active (heavy kernel activity) servers with 300+ GB
MG> of RAM, I have never seen a (compressed) dump that needed more than 8
MG> GB.  Even uncompressed the maximum size I've seen has been in the 18
MG> GB range.  This has been without zfs in the mix.  It is my
MG> understanding that at one time the arc was dumped as part of kernel
MG> memory but that was regarded as a bug and has sense been fixed.  If
MG> the arc is dumped, a value of dump much closer to physical memory is
MG> likely to be appropriate.

Well, I've seen core dumps bigger than 10GB (even without ZFS)... :)

Best regards,
 Robert Milkowski                           mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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