Hello Darren,

Wednesday, June 25, 2008, 1:19:53 PM, you wrote:

DJM> Jan Damborsky wrote:
>> Thank you very much all for this valuable input.
>> Based on the collected information, I would take
>> following approach as far as calculating size of
>> swap and dump devices on ZFS volumes in Caiman
>> installer is concerned.
>> [1] Following formula would be used for calculating
>>     swap and dump sizes:
>> size_of_swap = size_of_dump = MAX(512 MiB, MIN(physical_memory/2, 32 GiB))
>> User can reconfigure this after installation is done on live
>> system by "zfs set" command.

DJM> If the min space isn't available do NOT abort the install just continue
DJM> without creating swap space, but put a small warning somewhere suitable.
DJM> Don't ask the user to confirm this and don't make a big deal about it.

Yeah, I've just tried to install snv_91 on a 16GB CF card with ZFS as
root file system.. and I couldn't because it wanted almost 40GB of
disk space and I couldn't overwrite it. I know it is not Caiman. Such
a behavior is irritating.

Best regards,
 Robert Milkowski                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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