On Jun 11, 2008, at 11:35 AM, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:

> On Wed, 11 Jun 2008, Al Hopper wrote:
>> disk drives.  But - based on personal observation - there is a lot of
>> hype surrounding SSD reliability.  Obviously the *promise* of this
>> technology is higher performance and *reliability* with lower power
>> requirements due to no (mechanical) moving parts.  But... if you look
>> broadly at the current SSD product offerings, you see: a) lower than
>> expected performance - particularly in regard to write IOPS (I/O Ops
>> per Second) and b) warranty periods that are typically 1 year - with
>> the (currently rare) exception of products that are offered with a 5
>> year warranty.
> Other than the fact that SSDs eventually wear out from use, SSDs are
> no different from any other electronic device in that the number of
> individual parts, and the individual reliability of those parts,
> results in an overall reliability factor for the subsystem comprised
> of those parts.  SSDs are jam-packed with parts.  In fact, if you were
> to look inside an SSD and then look at how typical computers are
> implemented these days, you will see that one SSD has a whole lot more
> complex parts than the rest of the computer.
> SSDs will naturally become more reliable as their parts count is
> reduced due to higher integration and product maturity.  Large SSD
> storage capacity requires more parts so large storage devices have
> less relability than smaller devices comprised of similar parts.
> SSDs are good for laptop reliability since hard drives tend to fail
> with high shock levels and laptops are often severely abused.

Yeah I was going to add the fact that they dont spin at 7k+ rpm and  
have no 'moving' parts.  I do agree that there is a lot of circuitry  
involved and eventually they will reduce that just like they did with  
mainboards.  Remember how packed they used to be?

Either way, I'm really interested in the vendor and technology Sun  
will choose for providing these SSD's in systems or as an add on card/ 


> Bob
> ======================================
> Bob Friesenhahn
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
> GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/
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