On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 3:14 PM, Andy Lubel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tried this today and although things appear to function correctly, the
> performance seems to be steadily degrading.  Am I getting burnt by
> double-caching?  If so, what is the best way to workaround for my sad
> situation?  I tried directio for the ufs volume and it made it even
> worse..

AFAIK, you're doing the best that you can while playing in the
constraints of ZFS. If you want to use nfs v3 with your clients,
you'll need to use UFS as the back end.

You can check the size of the caches to see if that's the problem. If
you just want to take a shot i the dark and if this is the only
filesystem in your zpool, either reduce the size of the zfs ARC cache,
or reduce the size of the UFS cache.


"The good is the enemy of the best." - Nietzsche
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