On Fri, 2008-06-06 at 06:47 +0300, Cyril Plisko wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 2:58 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Bill Sommerfeld writes:
> >>>
> >>> 2. How can I do it ? (I think I can run "zfs set compression=on
> >>> rpool/ROOT/snv_90" in the other window, right after the installation
> >>> begins, but I would like less hacky way.)
> >>
> >> what I did was to migrate via live upgrade, creating the pool and the
> >> pool/ROOT filesystem myself, tweaking both  copies and compression on
> >> pool/ROOT before using lucreate.
> >> I haven't tried this on a fresh install yet.
> >> after install, I'd think you could play games with zfs send | zfs
> >> receive on an inactive BE to rewrite everything with the desired
> >> attributes (more important for copies than compression).
> >
> > Would it be possible to create a new BE on a compressed filesystem and
> > activate it?  Is snap upgrade implemted yet?  If so this should be quick.
> Wouldn't snapupgrade clone the original BE ? In this case no data
> would be rewritten.

Correct, and Live Upgrade also clones the active BE when you do
lucreate. Unless you copy all the data manually, it's going to inherit
the uncompressed blocks from the current filesystem.


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