Cyril Plisko wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 2:58 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Bill Sommerfeld writes:
>>>> 2. How can I do it ? (I think I can run "zfs set compression=on
>>>> rpool/ROOT/snv_90" in the other window, right after the installation
>>>> begins, but I would like less hacky way.)
>>> what I did was to migrate via live upgrade, creating the pool and the
>>> pool/ROOT filesystem myself, tweaking both  copies and compression on
>>> pool/ROOT before using lucreate.
>>> I haven't tried this on a fresh install yet.
>>> after install, I'd think you could play games with zfs send | zfs
>>> receive on an inactive BE to rewrite everything with the desired
>>> attributes (more important for copies than compression).
>> Would it be possible to create a new BE on a compressed filesystem and
>> activate it?  Is snap upgrade implemted yet?  If so this should be quick.
> Wouldn't snapupgrade clone the original BE ? In this case no data
> would be rewritten.
Ah, good point!

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