> On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 10:06 PM, Bill McGonigle
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On May 18, 2008, at 14:01, Mario Goebbels wrote:
> >
> >> I mean, if the Linux folks to want it, fine. But
> if Sun's actually
> >> helping with such a possible effort, then it's
> just shooting itself in
> >> the foot here, in my opinion.
> >
> >
> [....]
> > they're quick to do it - they threatened to sue me
> when they couldn't
> > figure out how to take back a try-out server).
> There's a story contained within that for sure! :)
> You brought a smile
> to this subscriber when I read it.
> > Having ZFS as a de- facto standard lifts all boats,
> It's still hard to believe (in one sense) that the
> entire world isn't
> beating a path to Sun's door and PLEADING for ZFS.
> This is (if y'all
> will forgive the colloquialism) a kick-ass amazing
> piece of software.
> It appears to defy all the rules, a bit like
> levitation in a way, or
> perhaps it just rewrites those rules. There are days
> I still can't get
> my head around what ZFS really is.
> In general, licensing issues just make my brain
> bleed, but one hopes
> that the licensing gurus can get their heads together
> and find a way
> to get this done. I don't personally believe that
> Open Solaris *OR*
> Solaris will lose if ZFS makes its way over the fence
> to Linux, I
> think that this is a big enough tent for everyone.
> Sure hope so
> anyway, it would be immensely sad to see technology
> like this not
> being adopted/ported/migrated/whatever more widely
> because of "damn
> lawyers" and the morass called licensing.
> Perhaps (gazing into a cloudy crystal ball that
> hasn't been cleaned in
> a while) Solaris/Open Solaris can manage to hold onto
> ZFS-on-boot
> which is perhaps *the* most mind bending
> accomplishment within the zfs
> concept, and let the rest procreate elsewhere. That
> could contribute
> to the "must-have/must-install" cachet of
> Solaris/OpenSolaris.

Umm, I think it's too late for that; as I recall, the bits needed for
read-only access had to be made dual CDDL/GPL to be linked with GRUB.
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