Bob Friesenhahn writes:
 > On Tue, 15 Apr 2008, Mark Maybee wrote:
 > > going to take 12sec to get this data onto the disk.  This "impedance
 > > mis-match" is going to manifest as pauses:  the application fills
 > > the pipe, then waits for the pipe to empty, then starts writing again.
 > > Note that this won't be smooth, since we need to complete an entire
 > > sync phase before allowing things to progress.  So you can end up
 > > with IO gaps.  This is probably what the original submitter is
 > Yes.  With an application which also needs to make best use of 
 > available CPU, these I/O "gaps" cut into available CPU time (by 
 > blocking the process) unless the application uses multithreading and 
 > an intermediate write queue (more memory) to separate the CPU-centric 
 > parts from the I/O-centric parts.  While the single-threaded 
 > application is waiting for data to be written, it is not able to read 
 > and process more data.  Since reads take time to complete, being 
 > blocked on write stops new reads from being started so the data is 
 > ready when it is needed.
 > > There is one "down side" to this new model: if a write load is very
 > > "bursty", e.g., a large 5GB write followed by 30secs of idle, the
 > > new code may be less efficient than the old.  In the old code, all
 > This is also a common scenario. :-)
 > Presumably the special "slow I/O" code would not kick in unless the 
 > burst was large enough to fill quite a bit of the ARC.

Bursts of 1/8th of physical memory or 5 seconds of storage
throughput whichever is smallest.


 > Real time throttling is quite a challenge to do in software.
 > Bob
 > ======================================
 > Bob Friesenhahn
 > GraphicsMagick Maintainer,
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