Hello eric,

Thursday, March 27, 2008, 9:36:42 PM, you wrote:

ek> On Mar 27, 2008, at 9:24 AM, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
>> On Thu, 27 Mar 2008, Neelakanth Nadgir wrote:
>>> This causes the sync to happen much faster, but as you say,  
>>> suboptimal.
>>> Haven't had the time to go through the bug report, but probably
>>> CR 6429205 each zpool needs to monitor its throughput
>>> and throttle heavy writers
>>> will help.
>> I hope that this feature is implemented soon, and works well. :-)

ek> Actually, this has gone back into snv_87 (and no we don't know which  
ek> s10uX it will go into yet).

Could you share more details how it works right now after change?

Best regards,
 Robert Milkowski                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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