On Sat, 26 Apr 2008, Carson Gaspar wrote:
>> It's not safe to jump to this conclusion.  Disk drivers that support FMA
>> won't log error messages to /var/adm/messages.  As more support for I/O
>> FMA shows up, you won't see random spew in the messages file any more.
> <mode="large financial institution paying support customer">
> That is a Very Bad Idea. Please convey this to whoever thinks that
> they're "helping" by not sysloging I/O errors. If this shows up in
> Solaris 11, we will Not Be Amused. Lack of off-box error logging will
> directly cause loss of revenue.
> </mode>

I am glad to hear that your large financial institution (Bear 
Stearns?) is contributing to the OpenSolaris project. :-)

Today's systems are very complex and may contain many tens of disks. 
Syslog is a bottleneck and often logs to local files, which grow very 
large, and hinder system performance while many log messages are being 
reported.  If syslog is to a remote host, then the network is also 

If a device (or several inter-related devices) is/are experiencing 
problems, it seems best to isolate and diagnose it, with one 
intelligent notification rather than spewing hundreds of thousands of 
low-level error messages to a system logger.

Bob Friesenhahn
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/

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