On Apr 15, 2008, at 11:18 AM, Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> On Tue, 15 Apr 2008, Keith Bierman wrote:
>> Perhaps providing the computations rather than the conclusions  
>> would be more persuasive  on a technical list ;>
> No doubt.  The computations depend considerably on the size of the  
> disk drives involved.  The odds of experiencing media failure on a  
> single 1TB SATA disk are quite high.  Consider that this media  
> failure may occur while attempting to recover from a failed disk.   
> There have been some good articles on this in USENIX Login magazine.
> ZFS raidz1 and raidz2 are NOT directly equivalent to RAID5 and  
> RAID6 so the failure statistics would be different.  Regardless,  
> single disk failure in a raidz1 substantially increases the risk  
> that something won't be recoverable if there is a media failure  
> while rebuilding. Since ZFS duplicates its own metadata blocks, it  
> is most likely that some user data would be lost but the pool would  
> otherwise recover.  If a second disk drive completely fails, then  
> you are toast with raidz1.
> RAID5 and RAID6 rebuild the entire disk while raidz1 and raidz2  
> only rebuild existing data blocks so raidz1 and raidz2 are less  
> likely to experience media failure if the pool is not full.
Indeed; but worked illustrative examples are apt to be more helpful  
than blanket pronouncements ;>

Keith H. Bierman   [EMAIL PROTECTED]      | AIM kbiermank
5430 Nassau Circle East                  |
Cherry Hills Village, CO 80113           | 303-997-2749
<speaking for myself*> Copyright 2008

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